Sunday, March 7, 2010


So many reasons not to write tonight:
It's 11:00 and I need to stay fresh for 4 beautiful children in the morning.
Haven (2), Haley (3), Levi (5) and Joshua (9). :)
To continue the list, I'm in the middle of a great documentary about Monty Python called:
"Before the Flying Circus. A Black and White Documentary." I'm watching it because I've never seen the Flying Circus but I love John Cleese, I love British humor,I want to discover the influences attributed to the work and would like to better understand and utilize my love for comical expression.
To continue my list of other things to do besides write:
I just found a great stash of candies I'd like to devour in secret. ;)
I want to read because I was so refreshed by my earlier reading in the afternoon and want to return to it.
Also, I could get on Face book and see what everyone else is doing.:(
No, I'll do all those things after. :) Besides, I'm acting as if I'm going to have thousands of readers and have this unrelenting pressure to "WOW" in the back of my mind. Why do I have to "WOW" at all? OK then, I will choose not to "WOW" tonight so that neither you nor I will be disappointed.

This isn't my voice. Like I said. I've been watching a documentary on the gang from Monty Python and my vernacular has been influenced by the lot! Pip pip cheerio! and I also had a bit of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" on the side today with Josh and Levi.
One of their new favorites. :)

I recently signed on to Netflix again and it's been an extremely convenient distraction as well as a modestly used baby sitter for the little ones at times. But on the Eve of yet another possible procrastination I've decided to forgo it and discipline myself well enough to write anything I can before bed, whether i perceive it to be boring or not. I'll let you decide. Decide whether you'll return to hear more...
I am a horrible procrastinator. I hate saying the word or typing the word because it feels like a curse. So, from here on out, I will not describe myself as one. In hopes that I will not be one. In hopes that I continue to write and post SOMETHING each night before bed. Here's to being productive!


I'm back.

I just ate 5 packages of gummy fruits.
2 dove chocolates with surprise life tips from Martha Stewart on the inside of each wrapper.
One says: "Instead of exchanging gifts, put money towards a family trip."
The other : "Choose party recipes that can be prepared in advance."
( Thank you Martha.)

1 large Reese cup
A Werthers chewy caramel
and a caramel Hershey kiss.

My tummy hurts. :(

Inspiring quote of the day from Terry Jones of Monty Python:

"(Prep) School left me with a fear of failing..I just thought everyone was going to be sooo clever, and so brilliant and so extraordinary. It took me a long time to penetrate that, to realize that it wasn't true."

Random Notes from the Pythoners:

Comedy: "Form of Exhibitionism."
On themselves: "Gigglers."
"Absorbing any and all comedy influences."

Not to self: I need to call my friend Sarah and wish her a happy birthday tomorrow even though her birthday is Tuesday, miss her. :)


Liz said...

I love it! I cannot wait for your next post! Even when you write about "nothing" it is refreshing and real. I am so happy you're my friend!! Keep it coming!