Friday, February 12, 2010

Funny Hill Kid Quotes

An hour before, I catch Levi with a bag or dried apricots. He's already eaten 5...
Later Levi calls me in the bathroom:
"Mom! Why do I keep pooping!?"
I say: "You've eaten too many apricots. Remember I told you, fruit helps you poop?"

"Yes," he giggles.
I say
"Just get it all out. It'll stop."
I think he thought he was going to poop his insides out.
He looked relieved.


He's 3 and we're playing outside in the front yard at a friend's house.
He takes a stick and dips it into the mud and then tastes it.
Then he says:
"Now I want to taste the back yard."

Levi calls me in the bathroom :
"Mom! Smell my hand!"
I take it and sniff and say "what does it smell like?"

he says "marbles."


Josh's new knock knock jokes:

Knock knock
Who's there?


Who's who?
Can't you tell the difference?

What did the pear say to the other pear in the love booth?
We make a good "pair."

On the way to dropping me off at work Levi looks at the clock and says
"2:36 is my middle name!"
( ..................?= hilarious)

Later I ask Josh if he knows what my middle name is, he says "Frankenstein."